The Do’s and Dont's for a Natural Look When Wearing Synthetic Wigs

- . Monofilament tops and/or Lace Front wigs can give the illusion of a more natural hairline, but they may not always be in the budget. The key to remember is to find a natural looking hairline that frames your face well. If you tend to have a higher forehead, don’t try to find a wig to mask it, find a wig style that complements these features.
- Do take your wig to a hairdresser to have them properly shape it to your face. Believe me many wigs straight out of the box are ideal, but to really make this style your own, you may want to have your hairdresser trim the bangs, or fringe, perhaps remove some of the bulk, or simply just to trim it to a style you are more accustomed to. Don’t be afraid to make that trip to the salon to have them perfect your style.
- Avoid bulk. Sometimes when women wear wigs, it is definitely too much hair for them. The bulkier the wig, the less natural the look. Keeping in mind that a little extra bulk can be taken care of by your hairstylist, an abundance of bulk will not be easily remedied.
- Do invest in the right care and styling products. Synthetic wigs require special product to help keep the fibre looking vibrant longer.
- Do personalize your look. Don’t be afraid to add a scarf, headband, hat to your look. Because it is a wig, you don’t have to wear it the exact same way every time. If you have a longer style, don’t be afraid to try a half up look, or a low pony. Personalize your wig to you.
- Do not cook in your wig. Steam and heat are not friends of a synthetic wig. Something as simple as opening the oven door or removing the lid off of a pot of boiling water can ruin your wig in an instant. There is nothing more unnatural looking than a singed wig.
- Don’t be afraid of colour. But if you are looking for a more natural style avoid outrageous colours. Many styles now come in blended and highlighted true to life colours. Take advantage!
- Don’t buy costume synthetic wigs for a natural look. Often times cheaper fibre have an unnatural shine, an odd texture and mat easier than other synthetics. Costume wigs were not designed for everyday use.